Case Studies
Manufacturing Company
Business Objective
Eliminate reliance on expensive refrigerated warehouse space, intake more scrap product faster and at a lower cost, and plan for the addition of a new manufacturing facility.

Business Objective
The global fiber optics market is expected to continue growing at a rate of nearly 7% each year. Companies are deciding where to expand their networks and place their access points to maximize coverage and service with minimal installation costs. These challenges arise for both new installations and for upgrading existing equipment.
Sports Scheduling
Business Objective
There is a virtually unlimited number of possible combinations of dates, locations, and opponents that sports leagues must juggle to schedule games. A good schedule is important to reduce unnecessary travel, generate excitement for key matchups, and create fairness across teams while also being efficient.

Meeting Emissions Targets
Business Objective
Companies are seeking to reduce, or even eliminate, their carbon footprint in the coming years. Supply chain emissions are, on average, 11x operational emissions so these initiatives often fall on supply chain teams. This is particularly true for retail and apparel companies who have the highest level of emissions on average.
Ingredient Mixing
Business Objective
Food manufacturers, and others who are tackling mixing problems, seek to reduce costs and waste, and to efficiently manage their inventory levels. They also want to continuously improve their nutrition and product quality. Food and beverage manufacturers have reported that formula modifications have been critical for them to remain successful.